Founded in 2018 by local East London activist Dom Holmes, SheHerTheyThem is a safe, accessible and open community building initiative for queer women, nonbinary, trans, intersex and gender nonconforming individuals in Newham and the surrounding East London area.

Queer women, nonbinary, trans, intersex and gender nonconforming people need space to share resources, establish friendships, create, and uplift initiatives and organisations that give back to our community. We need spaces to express creatively and politically; to address and resolve the issues that specifically impact us. We need spaces to socialise safely and comfortably without having to make ourselves small or self-censor for our own protection. We need a community which centres our voices and needs.

Since 2018, SheHerTheyThem has grown into an exciting space to support queer artists, initiatives, organisations and individuals, and build friendships and support networks. Our socials have produced incredible connections, from finding housemates and forming bands to helping organisations find funding and creatives find work. As we move forward we plan to continue building upon these positive relationships and collaborations.


Our mission is to decentre cis male energy from our queer community and build a platform for the marginalised and minoritised LGBTQ+ voices in a space that supports and encourages collaboration and connection. Our entry code is simple - NO TERFS, NO SWERFS and NO CIS MEN allowed in the space. Cis Men are welcome to support our community by donating to our causes, educating themselves on why we need events such as this, and respectfully allowing us our space.


SheHerTheyThem operates as a non-profit. Every penny we receive goes back into our community, whether it's paying artists for their performances, helping the charities and organisations with their transport and accessibility costs, or covering our very basic admin expenses. 

As an inclusive initiative, we don’t charge door cover, nor do we charge the organisations for the space to share their work and connect with our community. We ask for donations towards the events with our pay-what-you-can policy. No donation is too small (or too big of course) but your generosity helps us to help others. 

We aim to pay performers and artists a fair fee, to support organisations that have big hearts but small funding, and to ensure no one feels excluded from our community due to financial constraints. 

We appreciate that times are tough for us all, but your donations allow us to keep providing a platform so that we can continue to build our community.